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Symbiosis University Project
Symbiosis University is a prestigious institution known for its high academic standards and rigorous curriculum. As a student at Symbiosis, you are expected to excel in your coursework and assignments, which play a crucial role in your overall academic performance. However, with the increasing workload and pressure to maintain good grades, it can be challenging to produce quality assignments that meet the university’s standards. This is where our writing services come in to provide you with the necessary support and assistance to excel in your academic journey.
The Importance of Quality Assignments in Symbiosis University: How Our Writing Services Can Help Symbiosis University is a prestigious institution known for its high academic standards and rigorous curriculum. As a student at Symbiosis, you are expected to excel in your coursework and assignments, which play a crucial role in your overall academic performance. However, with the increasing workload and pressure to maintain good grades, it can be challenging to produce quality assignments that meet the university’s standards. This is where our writing services come in to provide you with the necessary support and assistance to excel in your academic journey.
At our writing services, we understand the importance of quality assignments in Symbiosis University, and we strive to provide you with the best possible support to help you excel in your academic journey. Our team of experienced writers has a deep understanding of the university’s standards and requirements, and they are well-equipped to produce assignments that meet these standards.
One of the key aspects of producing quality assignments is conducting thorough research. Our writers have access to a wide range of academic resources, and they are skilled in conducting in-depth research on any given topic. This ensures that your assignments are well-informed and backed by credible sources, which can significantly enhance the quality of your work.
Symbiosis University Assignment and Project Submission Last Date 30/06/2024
📢 Announcement: Symbiosis University projects Help Available! 🎓
Suggested topics for Project Work in Operations
Students can consider the following topics for study and implementation in particular:
organization/industry. These topics are for broader reference. The student may select any topic which is relevant to these topics
1) Study on Supply Chain Management
2) Study on Material Management
3) Study on Inventory Management
4) Study on Just in Time and its implementation
5) Study on Six Sigma and its implementation
6) Study on Lean Manufacturing and its implementation
7) Study on Logistics and Distribution Management
8) Study on Transportation Management
9) Study on Maintenance Management
10) Study on Operations Management
11) Study on Productivity and Efficiency Management
12) Study on Quality Management and its practices
13) Study on Work Study and Method Study and its implementation
14) Study on Production Planning and Control and its implementation
15) Study on Project Management in Manufacturing and Operations
16) Study on Waste Management and its practices
17) Study and Implementation of 5-S
18) Study on Total Quality Management and its implementation
19) Study on Kaizen and its implementation
20) Study on Total Productive Maintenance and its implementation
21) Study on Technology Management in Operations
22) Study on Operation Strategy and its implementation
Suggested topics for Project Work in HRM
Following are the suggested themes on which the students may submit the project Report
1) Knowledge / Talent Management in Indian Organizations
2) Enterprise Resource Planning in Relation to HRIS
3) Competence Mapping and Benchmarking
4) Managing Global Work-Force
5) Motivational Theories and Employees Job Satisfaction
6) Human Resource Management (Manufacturing, Service, IT / ITES)
7) Application of Six Sigma in HR
8) Employee Potential Management in Knowledge Industry
9) HR Practices in IT & ITES Organizations
10) Employee Promotional Model
11) Human Resource Information System
12) Knowledge Management for Growth
13) Managing Global Work Forces
14) Performance Management System
15) Recruitment and Selection
16) Training and Development
17) Compensation Management
18) SWOT Analysis of HRM in Indian/Global Industry/Sectors
19) Role of HR in TQM
20) Labor Laws, Labor Relations and Grievance Handling
21) Analysis of Balanced Score Card in Organizations
22) A Study of Employee Engagement Policies
23) An Analysis of Contractual Employment in Manufacturing / Service Industries
24) A Study of Present Scenario of Employee Relations in India
25) Role of Trade Unions in Collective Bargaining
26) Role of Leadership Development in Organization Effectiveness
27) A Study of Performance Management Systems in XYZ Organizations.
28) HR Policies and Practices in Developing Organizations
29) HR initiatives in breaking down cultural barriers in global organisations
30) Managing global workforce
Note: The above topics and themes are only indicative. Students may prepare and
submit the project report on any HR topic of their choice.
Suggested topics for Project Work in CRM
1.Study of CRM practices for a whole seller / dealers.
2. CRM plan in electronic shop/Bank/Hotel/Retail Outlet.
3. Analysis of Scope for strengthening a CRM program in Organisations
4. Study of effectiveness of CRM system in IT / ITES companies
5. The CRM system in an organization – a detailed analysis.
6. Role of IT in CRM practices of an organisation
7. Effectiveness of CRM measures of an manufacturing / service organisation
8. Customer Retention Strategies in a manufacturing / service organisation
9. Study /Analysis of CRM failure in an organization
10. A study of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Delight in XYZ organisation.]
11. Data Mining tolls in CRM
12. Role of Regain Management in CRM
13. Marketing Automation
14. Collaborative CRM
15. Analytical CRM
16. Operational CRM
17. Architecture Of CRM
Suggested topics for Project Work in Marketing
1) Emerging trends in retailing
2) Effective brand management
3) Reasons for brand failure
4) Analysis of sales promotion and advertising strategies
5) Psychology of Indian consumer
6) Survey on Consumer Choices of different brands of two-wheelers in ……….. City
7) Market Potential for Logistics Business in …………. City
8) Brand Equity in select FMGC products in ……… City
9) Service Quality and Consumer satisfaction of Maruti Service Centers
10) A Study on Marketing Strategies of HLL in South India (A Case Study)
11) Impulse Buying Behavior of Customers in ……….City
12) Customer Satisfaction Survey
13) Consumer Perception Survey
14) Service Quality Study
15) Improving service quality using service blueprinting
16) Study on effectiveness of employee’s role in service delivery
17) Effectiveness of channels of distribution in service delivery
18) Effectiveness of channels (on-line / Internet) in service delivery
19) Customer Data Analysis
20) Study of Advertising effectiveness
21) Effectiveness of promotion schemes
22) Measurement of Brand awareness and brand perception
23) Study of Customer Loyalty
24) Study of Purchase Influencing Factors
Suggested topics for Project Work in Finance & Management
1. Responsibility Accounting
2. Key Performance Indicators of Supply Chain Retail
3. Foreign Direct Investment
4. Financial Planning and Forecasting
5. Financial Instruments
6. Impact of Macroeconomic Factors On Money Supply
7. Competitive Analysis of Depositary Service Provider
8. Comparison of Initial Public Offer in Infrastructure Sector
9. Comparison between Investment in Equity and Mutual Fund
10. How to Plan Invest In Insurance Sector And Tax Planning
11. External Debt Management
12. Export Marketing Entry Strategy
13. Equity Analysis of Banks
14. Emergence of Initial Public Offers as an Investment Avenue
15. The Effect of Changes in Credit Ratings on Equity Returns
16. The Effect of Bond Rating Changes on Stock Prices
17. Merchant Banking in India
18. Load Testing of Loan Search
19. Investment Opportunity in Stock Market with Special Focus on Oil Sector
20. Inventory Management and Budgetary Control System
21. International Financial Reporting Standards
22. In-Depth Study of Housing Finance Sector
23. Impact of Macroeconomic Factors On Money Supply
24. Currency Derivatives
25. Descriptive Qualitative Approach towards the Financing Needs of Indian Telecom Sector
26. Derivatives
27. Demat Account
28. Customer Profitability
29. Currency Derivative Business Perspective
30. Credit Appraisal Process in SME Sector of State Bank of India
31. Credit Analysis of Personal Loan
32. Creating and Measuring Shareholder Value
33. Corporate Governance
34. Comparative Analysis of NPA of Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks and Foreign Banks
35. Comparative Study on ULIPS in the Indian Insurance Market
36. Comparative Evaluation Strategies in Mergers and Acquisitions
37. Cash Management
38. Working Capital Management
39. Analysis of Financial Statements of XYZ Company
40. Alternate Revenue Sources for the Bank
41. Accounting Implication on Foreign Currency Transaction
42. Global Economic Crises
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✅ Our team consists of experienced writers with expertise in various fields
✅ We deliver high-quality, plagiarism-free customized solutions
✅ Our services are tailored to meet the requirements of Symbiosis University
✅ We ensure that your assignments and projects stand out and impress your professors
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us through WhatsApp at 8123785987. We are available and ready to assist you with any assignments you may have. Let us make your academic journey easier and more successful!Thank you for considering our services, and we look forward to helping you succeed in your academic pursuits
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